Outdoor & Event Sports

Outdoor & Event Sports

How To Stretch after Telemark Skiing

Stretching after telemark skiing is important. It not only prevents muscles injuries, but it also improves athletic performance. There are many ways to stretch. If you have a trainer, you can ask for advice on which stretches will be beneficial to you and will suit your current needs. However, here are some easy and general […]

Outdoor & Event Sports

How To Stamp while Snowshoeing

Historians believe that snowshoes were invented about 8,000 years ago. Today, snowshoes are used to tour around snow-covered ground. A lot of people love to do snowshoeing as an outdoor activity during winter. Many schools have already included snowshoeing as a physical activity in their curriculum as they are convinced it is an effective way […]

Outdoor & Event Sports

How To Stand for Skeet Shooting

Besides sporting clays and trap shooting, skeet shooting is another form of competitive shotgun shooting. The sport’s goal is to shoot clays that are tossed into the air. You will use a special gun to shoot the target. Proper gun handling is always part of the sport’s basic skills. But body position also affects shooting […]

Outdoor & Event Sports

How To Snowboard (For Beginners)

Snowboarding is a sport that many find fun and engaging. Learning how to snowboard is one great way for you to exercise your muscles during winter while having some fun. Plus, this will also help you anticipate the coming winter season with glee. However, snowboarding is a very serious sport aside from it being very […]

Outdoor & Event Sports

How To Snowboard on Rails

Once you have mastered the art of snowboarding, the sport can become a little boring. However, there are still some things you can do to spice up the experience. Snowboarding on rails is one way. Rails are obstacles that you can slide the board through as you go on with your ride. However, snowboarding on […]

Outdoor & Event Sports

How To Snowboard

Are you looking to have more fun in the snow? If that is the case, consider snowboarding. This is a fun and thrilling sport that you can always look forward to every winter. The good news for you is that it is very easy to learn. Even if this is a somewhat difficult sport, you […]

Outdoor & Event Sports

How To Snowshoe

Winter does not mean holing up in your home 24/7. There are a lot of winter sports activities that you can engage in. Even if you are not the snowboarder type, you can always engage yourself in a very fulfilling, thrilling, and healthy activity—snowshoeing. With the different kinds of trails available, you will never get […]

Outdoor & Event Sports

How To Take a Hike in Bear Country

Hiking and walking are great activities that promote your physical, emotional and mental health and well-being. But if you hike in an area populated by bears, definitely you would have to take extra precautions to ensure you’d keep your health – and your life – at all! Choose your hiking paths well The best way […]

Outdoor & Event Sports

How To Switch Feet while Rock Climbing

Rock climbing is an exhilarating adventure. It tests not just your physical endurance but also your mental agility. It allows you to conquer your fears and overcome your limitations. It pushes you to be methodical and more disciplined. And most importantly, it gives you the opportunity to travel all over the world and visit exciting […]